82 Lottery 1 Active Member Bonus: Agent-to-Agent Rewards

Agents, we’re thrilled to introduce another exciting opportunity for you to earn rewards through our agent-to-agent bonus program. Here’s how you can take advantage of this final bonus opportunity.

This is the last bonus you can get also from agent to agent if you did not passed the minimum of 10 people then you can have agent to agent bonus that your agent member bring an active members only less than 9 then you count them per 1 people is 30rs only.

Agent-to-Agent Bonus:

Even if you haven’t reached the minimum requirement of 10 active members, there’s still a chance for you to earn rewards through our agent-to-agent bonus program. If your agent member brings in active members but falls short of the 10-person minimum, you can still benefit from this bonus.

How It Works:

For every active member that your agent brings in, you’ll receive a bonus of 30rs. While this may seem like a smaller reward, it’s a fantastic way to supplement your earnings and make the most out of every opportunity.

Maximizing Your Rewards:

Even if you haven’t reached the threshold for the main bonus, don’t let that discourage you. Take advantage of the agent-to-agent bonus to earn additional rewards and continue growing your earnings.


As an agent, every opportunity to earn rewards counts. With the agent-to-agent bonus, you have one last chance to boost your earnings and make the most out of your efforts. Keep pushing forward, and remember that every active member brings you one step closer to your goals.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to earn rewards through our agent program. Happy earning!

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Hi readers, this is Sanjit from Guwahati, Assam, India. Around 8 years plus experiences in digital marketing field. Started working with 82 Lottery(82 Bet) since early 2024.

Expertise in-Web Development & Social marketing

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