What is Referral Link and How to Find UID in Color Game?

Color prediction games allow their agents to earn extra money along with their gameplay winnings. On the other hand, agents regularly need to invite new members to the gaming website and inspire them to perform downline recharge. 

Once the color game website’s administrators and upline authorities recognize the attempts of agents to bring in new members, they give rewards or bonuses to the agents/downline members.

However, the question is how agents invite their friends and family members to join the color game. Also, how the website’s administrators identify the agent that has brought a new member. Here comes the role of referral links and how a referral link is related to a UID in color games.

What is Referral Link Color Prediction Online Games

Referral link refers to the invitation link of any color prediction or lottery gaming website. Existing members and agents of an online color prediction game share this link with their friends and family members.

For this, members and agents may use Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, and other social media platforms. Regardless of the color prediction online platform, a referral link consists of the address of a color prediction game’s website followed by an 11-digit to 12-digit number.

What is Referral Link Color Prediction Online Games

In simple words, the referral link thus serves as an invitation link to join an online lottery or color prediction game. Interested individuals only need to click on the received referral link and complete the registration process to be a new member of an online lottery game.

What is UID in Color Prediction Online Games  

UID in an online color prediction game is the acronym for Unique Identification Digit of an existing player. It consists of 5 digits or 6 digits that display at the top below the user’s name in a color prediction gaming website.

What is UID in Color Prediction Online Games  

Relationship Between a Referral Link and UID

You are already familiar with the referral link or invitation link and UID in an online lottery or color prediction game. Now, we will discuss the relationship between the referral link and the UID. We know that a referral link of a color game website contains 11 digits or 12 digits at the end. Out of these digits, 5 to 6 digits highlight the UID of the same registered member or agent, who sends the invitation/referral link.

Relationship Between a Referral Link and UID

In other words, the UID of an agent or a registered member remains present in the color prediction website’s referral link only. The relationship between the referral link and the UID is to let upline authorities or administrators identify the right agent who has brought new members to their gaming platform. On the other hand, agents and members may use their UIDs and referral links to claim their Referral/Agent Bonus and Welcome Bonus.  


To conclude, UID is the member’s or agent’s unique identification digit in a color prediction game. It is also part of a referral link sent to join new members of the color prediction online games. Also, referral links and UIDs serve as proof to claim bonuses and promos from the online lottery or color prediction platform.   

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